How ECON 101 Doubled My Retirement Fund and Other Lessons I Learned From College
"University Hall IMG_4993" by OZinOH is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 In this age of online education and learning everything you need to know from YouTube, it’s easy to ask the question, “Is a college education worth the investment?” The cost of four years of schooling will put you back quite a chunk of change, so feeling apprehensive is a valid concern. Years ago, I remember a close friend sharing with me that she wasn’t sure the MBA (Master of Business Administration) she paid for herself while working full-time had been worth it. She didn’t know if the job she would attain next would justify all the time and money she had just spent. While she can quantify her answer through her new salary and job benefits, deciding if going to college is worth it, is a trickier proposition. The experiences you gain outside the classroom and the life lessons you learn during those transformative years, muddy up a true cost-benefit analysis. When I think back to what I remember from m...