
If you are reading this blog and don't know me personally, you should know that I'm probably one of the most honest people you will meet. So, the title scamming shouldn't be taken lightly. Why is this important? Well, of all people, I am tapped to come up with the story to get our friend to her surprise party. Me, who can't tell stretch the truth without turning red or smiling because I know I'm not good at this, gets to pull this off.

Really the key to not lying is to, well not lie; it's all about omission. The plan is for my friend to come over so we can go out and celebrate her birthday. I'm going to have us stop by the clubhouse (where her party is) because someone dropped something off on my door about a party going on there. I will just omit the fact that it was her mom coming to my door to tell me about HER party. We'll see how it works...

Oh, also in my scamming mode, I wonder how many of those profiles are real. Everyone seems so "cool" on those things. I read through and wonder, "Wow...I seem so uncool...I like the news (all types of news that is), HGTV , E! and watching romantic comedies and I listen to the radio." Maybe my profile is too honest....
