It's official.....

We finally moved. Actually we moved our office five months ago, but we just got our new letterhead, notepads and business cards with our new address so I guess it's official now. We wanted to have a little buffer in there just in case this fabulous new building didn't work out...just kidding. We are just slow in general with getting stuff like office supplies--with the exception of pens. When I started to work with my dad I finally realized where my obession with new pens comes from. We have boxes of pens here that we "just had to have." So, if you come here and take one of our pens with you, it's okay because believe me, we'll get more : )

In other news, my dad also wanted me to report to my friends the sad news of the passing of Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey." I guess his death at age 93 went unnoticed last week while we were all too preoccupied with the latest news of whatever else was happening in the world.

Speaking of fun childhood dances, I got reacquainted with the hula hoop this weekend which was a lot of fun! Thinking back, I don't know if I ever really hula hooped before. I was probably too shy as a kid to try that in front of others. Good thing I got over that though because it's a blast. Actually, I don't think I did get over that shyness thing since I practiced in front of my friend's 15-month-old son. I guess it's okay if he laughs with me while I hula hoop....

Anyway, I'm leaving for the west coast in a few days. I'll be gone for almost two weeks which is weird since I haven't been gone much this year. I tend to sign up for traveling things or parties without really thinking through them sometimes. I think way too much about other things in life but it doesn't phase me to say I'll go to a party when I won't know anyone else there or even a wedding. The potential awkardness doesn't hit me until it's close to the actual event "hmm....I won't know anyone there. That might be weird...."

Sort of like this trip. I'm going to the National Association of Realtors annual convention in San Francisco for four days and then traveling around the other days since my cousins live on the west coast. I signed up for the convention since it sounded like fun (and educational) and I'd have a place to stay. It wasn't until recently when people started asking if I was going by myself and wondering why I was doing that did I start to think "Is that odd? I think it's fine. I mean 10,000 other people will be there so certainly I'll have someone to talk to." It's kind of funny because the same people that think it's odd that I am going are the same ones who tell me the importance of being independent and doing what you want to do....hmm....

Anyway, I need to get back to our "official" new office here.
