
On the day that we're supposed to reflect on what we are thankful for I thought this home page for gmail was pretty cool. Here are a few of the things the gmail team is thankful for this year (I'm guessing the gmail team must be pretty big):

"Our families... 4 engagements, 7 weddings, 11 new babies, 1 reunion, and 1 cross-country move by a fiancée so they "don't have to do the long-distance thing anymore" so far this year.
Each other—the little family we've created here makes it fun to come in to work, especially on days when we play kickball.

Cheese. Brie, goat, cheddar, the stuff we write on our home page... :) "

With that in mind, I guess here are a few things I'm thankful for: my mom making Thanksgiving dinner, still having my parents around, having a good group of friends, my wireless internet and all the computer help I've gotten (hey, if they can be thankful for cheese, I can be thankful for technology!), the crazy women I've met through the Alpha class at church, my car, a place to live and the desire to decorate it (and finding people to help me with that!). I'm sure I could go on and on but that's probably not that exciting to read. The more exciting thing to read is that Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are separating and that you can see pictures of Brittney Spears baby in the latest edition of People ; ) Yes, that last sentence is all true....I'm sure there are other hard hitting news stories out there too if you're interested.

Okay, I'm off to be productive since this is my last totally free weekend until, well, Christmas...
