Olympics wrap-up

I'm sad to see the Olympics end. I really learned a lot in the last 17 days. Mostly I learned it from Bob Costas' little 30 second commentary on the day's games. The man really should go into philosophy--sort of like "Deep Thoughts with Bob Costas." (Oh shoot, I just gave away my $1 million dollar TV show idea!) Anyway, he compared and contrasted the gracefulness and aplomb of figure skater Michelle Kwan with the spunk of snowboarder Shaun "The Flying Tomato" White as examples of the Olympic spirit. They have such different personas yet both have the same determined, skillful Olympic drive.

On the day, when the U.S. female snowboarder fell from doing a stunt just before the finish line, he talked about the difference between winning silver and losing gold. It's really true. If you're a long shot and you end up with a medal, you've just won! If you're the esteemed veteran who should have no problem beating the competition, you feel as though you lost even though you come away with a medal. And, the last deep thought was asking the figure skaters if they wanted to put in another four years for their chance at four minutes. When you think of the Olympics that way, it seems a lot different.

On a lighter note, the other fun Olympic moments for me were watching Tom Green and Ross the intern on the Tonight Show bring their nightly report from Torino. Hilarious! I mean laugh out loud funny. I'll have to check to see if they have clips on the website. Although, maybe it was so funny because it was on at midnight... Hmm...
