
Funny how time changes your perceptive. This weekend I made a special stop to get gas because it was at the "bargain" price of $2.80 a gallon! What a deal ; ) Haha funny how last year at this time I was complaining because it was $2.55 a gallon which really seems like a deal now!

In other news, today is my last official day in my 20s. I realize that I too can be 29 forever but today would be the last official day I can say "No really, I AM 29!" The transition from 20s to 30s isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Granted I've been getting used to the idea for six months now but still. Now that I'm here, I think it's fine. Granted, it's fine until people start asking "Oh, how are you doing with that? What do you think of all that?" Hmm....I was doing just fine until you made me think I should have a problem with it!

When someone asked my friend Robin if she felt different now that she's thirty, she told them "Yeah, I feel wiser." I agree. You learn a lot as the clock ticks on. You know who you are and are okay with that. You realize life is funny and you learn to laugh about it. You realize while life may be happy or sad, frustrating or exciting it's rarely ever boring. You realize the things that keep popping up in your life are probably more than just coincidences and are worth considering. You see the worth in being content in your situation since there's always someone who wants what you have and someone who has what you want. You realize the moments you remember most in life are those that are ordinary not necessarily extraordinary. And, most of all you realize life is now, not tomorrow or the next day and it's best to start living it so you don't look back and wonder what happened to it.


Gayle said…
I heard on the news today that gas prices "might" go up to $4.00 a gallon within the next year or something (I forget the exact timeframe they said, but it was something like that). Regardless, I have to wonder if the gas companies are happy when the media says things like that.

Now that it's been said, will we be as surprised if/when it DOES go up to $4/gallon? No, because it's always been said. Now we're dreadfully expecting it.

Had the media never said that, and the gas prices go up to $4/gallon, we're surprised and more ticked at the gas companies or whatever.

Just a theory. But I do wonder if the media's "tips" that gas prices are going to be going up, are more self-fulfilling prophesies than tips. *shrug*