Crossed another profession off the list
My dad and I volunteered to help my nephew finish up his freshman English course since he needs to finish this 88 page packet before school starts. Wow. Trying to get a 15.5 year old to work on 88 pages of grammar is a CHALLENGE! We tried every incentive we can think of and it has barely worked. We did pretty well last week getting the allotted "five pages a day" done (our own rule) but let's just say today we are four sentences along and we've been at this for SIX HOURS!!! Oh my goodness.....I need my own space since said nephew has made his desk at the edge of my desk so he can look at my computer as I work. Work being the inoperative word since it's a little hard to get my own work done while I'm busy saying "Oh, let's finish that sentence. C'mon now, you know how to do that. It's time to do your work...." I'm thinking I'm not cut out to be a tutor : ) More exciting things later.