It's a good day...

Today when we got a letter from a law firm in the mail, I thought back to my time in the Ohio Senate. We would always judge whether it was a good day or not based on if we had gotten sued that day. Sure, go ahead and laugh, but I worked with the Senate President and you would be amazed at how many lawsuits he was named in! Literally we would get sued on a daily (maybe weekly/monthly) basis--the never ending school funding lawsuit, different laws being unconstitutional, you name it, we were listed on the suit! Our legal counsel, April, was swamped with work. She stayed two extra days after her last day of work just to get things caught up. She now has three kids under five so I'm not sure which job was easier! haha

So today when I opened the letter in the real estate office and reflected on jobs past, I realized that some things don't change as I thought "Yep, today is a good day. We didn't get sued today!" : )

***How could I forget! It's also a good day because the Ohio University Bobcats are playing for the MAC Championship!!! Oh my goodness, what a shocker! Not only has the team won a game or two, but now they are playing for the championship and going to a bowl game! That hasn't happened in like 40 YEARS (literally, forty years...)!!! Go Bobcats! (The game is on ESPN at 7 p.m.)****
