The Evolution of the Office Family
The biggest part of blending into an "office family" is the sharing of stuff and getting to know each other but not getting to know too much about each other. I think for the first six months we each used on our own refrigerators and water we brought in our offices with us since we weren't quite sure how this whole office building thing was going to work out. You said "Hi" in the hallway, etc. but weren't really sure what anyone else did.
I look back now and think how far we've come. We're not bossom buddies or even people who socialize together but the makings of family is apparent. As a second floor, this past year and a half we've been through two divorces, one long-term breakup (just as I was getting to know the girlfriend too!), one grandchild, one son's wedding, a move, a 30th birthday, a 50th birthday and three shoulder surgeries (on the same person!).
It's the day to day dealing with life that brings people together. You share in the good and bad because by proximity you're there to witness their life. As I listen to people yell down the hall at each other or over the stair railing or encourage my dad to go golfing for yet another afternoon, you realize that "Yep, this is where I call home!" Just like the saying goes, "You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family (or office building mates!)." Yet somehow it all seems to work out.